Medical Legal/IME
Expert Hand, Wrist & nerve Injury, compartment syndrome, Pressure sore, Burn & Scar legal Consultation And IME - Pittsburgh, PA
Medical Legal Services - IME, Workers’ Comp, Auto Accidents, Personal Injury, or Medical Malpractice
When you’ve sustained an injury to your hand, wrist, or upper & lower extremity nerves in a car/motorcycle accident or a personal or work-related injury, the last things you want to think about are the legal ramifications of what’s happened to you. Unfortunately, court cases and claims are an unavoidable element of these injuries, and while you’re focusing on your recovery, you’ll also need to think about getting the compensation you deserve.
Pittsburgh Hand and Nerve’s Alexander Spiess, MD is proud to provide medical legal services in cases involving injuries to the hands, wrists, nerves, and soft tissues (compartment syndrome, pressure sores, burns or scars). As one of the most experienced, qualified, and skilled upper extremity specialists in the field, Dr. Spiess has experience participating in litigation of hand, wrist, and nerve injury, compartment syndrome, pressure sores, burns and scars, and he has the expertise to offer enlightened, thorough medical testimony regarding your injury, both in case reviews and as an expert witness if needed.
If you need the best of the best on your side following your hand, wrist, nerve, or soft tissue injury (compartment syndrome, pressure sores, burns or scars), Dr. Spiess can help. Don’t wait -- reach out to his office at Pittsburgh Hand and Nerve and schedule your consultation today.

Hand, Wrist & nerve Injury, compartment syndrome, Pressure sore, Burn & Scar Case Review & independant medical Examination in Pittsburgh, Pa
Case Reviews, Case Narratives, and IME's for Workers’ Comp, Auto Accidents, Personal Injury, or Medical Malpractice
In some legal cases, particularly those that involve a work-related injury, it becomes necessary for a medical practitioner to review a patient’s history and treatment plan to determine whether that patient’s medical care has been appropriate for their condition. This is called a Case Review, and should you need one, you’ll want a highly-trained, experienced physician on your side who can advocate for your needs.
Alexander Spiess, MD proudly provides Case Reviews, Case Narratives, and Independant Medical Examinations (IME's) for patients whose medical care is under review in a legal case, whether in the context of Workman’s Compensation, an insurance claim, or any other situation in which it may be necessary. Dr. Spiess’s unparalleled experience in hand, wrist, nerve, and soft tissue trauma (compartment syndrome, pressure sores, burns and scars) allows him to offer Expert Testimony that both you and the courtroom can trust.
If you’re in need of a Case Review or Independant Medical Examination from one of Pittsburgh’s finest hand, wrist, and nerve injury, compartment syndrome, pressure sore, burn and scar specialists, don’t hesitate. Call our office or schedule a consultation with Dr. Spiess to begin your conversation.
Hand, Wrist & nerve Injury, compartment syndrome, Pressure sore, Burn & Scar Expert medical Witness in Pittsburgh, PA
Hand, Wrist, Nerve, Compartment Syndrome, and Plastic Surgery Expert Medical Witness and Certificate of Merit
In addition to case reviews, you may require an Expert Medical Witness to testify as part of your legal case. Also common in auto accident claims and workers’ compensation disputes, an Expert Medical Witness can offer a sound, objective medical perspective in court, offering credibility and strengthening your position. Additionally, Dr. Spiess performs Certificates of Merit for legal cases. A Certificate of Merit from a licensed medical professional, lends credibility to a legal complaint in the eyes of the court.
If you require an Expert Medical Witness to testify in your case or a Certificate of Merit, Alexander Spiess, MD can help. As one of the top hand, wrist, nerve, and soft tissue trauma (compartment syndrome, pressure sores, burns and scars) specialists across the Pittsburgh region, his testimony comes with credibility, experience, and trustworthiness. Dr. Spiess’s unparalleled experience in hand, wrist, nerve, and soft tissue trauma (compartment syndrome, pressure sores, burns and scars) allows him to offer Expert Testimony that both you and the courtroom can trust. Dr. Spiess is committed to providing the most accurate findings possible, and his expertise allows him to advocate for you with confidence. Call our office or schedule a consultation with Dr. Spiess to begin your conversation.
Alexander M. Spiess, MD
3131 Scenic Court
Allison Park, PA 15101
Cell Phone: 412-337-0806
Born: Skokie, ILUSA
University of Pittsburgh
Department of Plastic Surgery
3550 Terrace Street
Scaife Hall, Suite 6B
Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Phone: 412-648-8976
Fax: 412-648-1987
Education & Training
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Bachelors of Science in Biology and German (Dec 1993)
September 1989 – December 1993
University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Medicine
Doctor of Medicine (June 2000)
August 1996 – May 2000
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Surgery Residency
Department of General Surgery
July 2000 – July 2003 General
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Hand and Microsurgery Fellowship – Joseph E. Imbriglia, MD and W.P. Andrew Lee, MD
Departments of Orthopaedics and Plastic Surgery
July 2003 - July 2004
Wayne State University/Detroit Medical Center
Plastic Surgery Fellowship – EtiGursel, MD
Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
July 2004 – July 2006
Thomas Jefferson University – Philadelphia, PA
Hand and Microsurgery Fellowship – A. Lee Osterman, MD
Department of Orthopaedics
August 2006 – August 2007
Appointments & Positions
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery
June 2019 - present
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Department of Orthopaedics
Associate Professor of Orthopaedics
June 2019 - present
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
June 2019 - present
University of Pittsburgh School of MedicineUniversity of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Assistant Professor of Plastic Surgery
June 2012 - present
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Department of Orthopaedics
Assistant Professor of Orthopaedics
February 2012 - present
University of Pittsburgh Department of Plastic Surgery
Co-Director UPMC Center for Nerve Disorder
March 2013 - present
University of Pittsburgh Department of Plastic Surgery
Division Chief of Hand Surgery
June 2012 - present
University of Pittsburgh Department of Surgery
Plastic Surgery
Section Chief of Hand Surgery
December 2011- June 2012
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Assistant Professor of Surgery
December 2011 - June 2012
Departments of Orthopaedic Surgery and General Surgery
Allegheny General Hospital - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Clinical Faculty
August 2007 – December 2011
Temple University School of Medicine
Department of Surgery
Assistant Professor of Surgery (Adjunct)
May 2011 –December 2011
Hospital Appointments
- UPMC Presbyterian/Shadyside (2012 – present)
- UPMC Mercy (2012 – present)
- Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC (2012 – present)
- VA Hospital – University Drive, Pittsburgh (2012 – present)
- UPMC Passavant/Cranberry (2011-present)
- Magee Women’s Hospital (2015-present)
- St. Margaret’s Hospital (2015-present)
- St. Clair Hospital (2008 – 2012)
- West Penn Allegheny Health System (2007-2011)
Certification & Licensure
- Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, 2009
- Certificate of Added Qualification in Hand Surgery, 2010
- State of Pennsylvania, MD 427996, expires 12/31/2020 Initial apply 2007.
- American Society for Surgery of the Hand, 2003
- American Society of Plastic Surgery, 2004
- American Association of Hand Surgery, 2007
- American Council of Academic Plastic Surgeons, 2012
- Plastic Surgery Research Council, 2012
- American Society of Reconstructive Transplantation, 2012
- American Society of Peripheral Nerve, 2016
- American Association of Plastic Surgery, 2017
- UPMC Faculty Leadership Academy – 2019
- ASPS Essentials of Leadership Program - 2017
- UPMC/Pitt Katz Businaess School Marshall Webster Physician Leadership Program - 2015
- Alpha Omega Alpha, 2000
Refereed Articles
- Furuta GT, Ackerman SJ, Spiess AM, Varga J, Wang MY and Wershil BK. Eosinophil granule major basic protein induces IL-8 expression in human intestinal myofibroblasts. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 2000; 122:35-40. Cited 13
- Spiess AM, Gursel E. Entrapment of the Ulnar Nerve at Guyon’s Canal by an Accessory Abductor DigitiMinimi Muscle. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. 117(3):1060-1061, March 2006. Cited 4
- Spiess AM, Balakrishnan C, Gursel E. Fascial release of the Pectoralis major: A technique employed in Pectoralis major muscle closure of the Mediastinum in cases of Mediastinitis. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. 119(2):573-577, February 2007. Cited 4
- Spiess AM, Istanbullu T, Brown PD, Balakrishnan C, Gursel E. The Utility of Deep Soft Tissue Cultures in Diagnosing the Causative Agent of Sternal Osteomyelitis following Median Sternotomy. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. 119(2):568-572, February 2007. Cited 0
- Azari KK, Spiess AM, Buterbaugh GA, Imbriglia JE. Major Nerve Injuries Associated with Carpal Tunnel Release. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2007 119(6):1977-8. Cited 6
- Osterman AL, Spiess AM. Chapter 8: Medial Epicondylectomy. Hand Clin. 2007 Aug;23(3):329-37, vi. Review. Cited 11
- Spiess AM, Baciewicz, Jr FA, Gursel E. The Deltopectomyomammary Flap: A New Flap For Use In Coverage Of Large Anterior Chest Wall Defects. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 121(4):226e-227e, April 2008. Cited 0
- Spiess AM. Split Turnover Pectoralis Muscle Flap for the Treatment of Sternal Osteomyelitis: Reply. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2008 Mar;121(3):1064-5. Cited
- ASPS Clinical Practice Guideline Summary on Reduction Mammaplasty. Kalliainen, Loree K Dale C. Vidal, M.D., Past Chair; Peter Aldea, M.D.; Steven Bonawitz, M.D.; Kevin Chung, M.D.; Gary Culbertson, M.D.; Lynn Damitz, M.D.; Leland Deane, M.D.; Richard Greco, M.D.; Christopher Hussussian, M.D; Sami Khan, M.D.; Bill Kortesis, M.D.; Gordon Lee, M.D.; Stephen Metzinger, M.D.; Galen Perdikis, M.D.; Adam Ravin, M.D.; Neal Reisman, M.D.; KarieRosolowski, M.P.H.; Loren Schechter, M.D.; DeLaine Schmitz, R.N, M.S.H.L.; Alexander Spiess, M.D.; Jennifer Swanson, M.Ed.; and William Wooden, M.D..Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. 130(4):785-789, October 2012.
- . Gorantla, V. S. 1; Spiess, A. 1; Imbriglia, J. 2; Goitz, R. 3; Demetris, A. 4; Lunz, J. 5; Foust, D. 1; Shores, J. 6; Brandacher, G. 6; Lee, W. P.A. 6; Losee, J. The Pittsburgh Upper Extremity Transplant Program - Early and Emerging Outcomes in Five Recipients with a Novel Immunomodulatory Protocol: 2309.[Abstract] Transplantation 94(10S):345 • November 2012
- Neral M, Pittner DE,Spiess AM, Imbriglia JE.Silicone Implant Arthroplasty for Non- Rheumatic Metacarpophalangeal Arthritis. The Journal of Hand Surgery. Volume 38, Issue 12 , Pages 2412-2418, December 2013.
- Abstract P28: An Interim Analysis of Outcomes Following 5-cm Median Nerve Defect Repair in Non-Human Primates. Bliley, Jacqueline M; Sivak, Wes; Crammond, Donald;Minteer, Danielle; McLaughlin, Meghan; Liberatore, Rich; Schroth, Ryan; Liao, Han Tsung; Simpson, Tyler; Hokanson, Jim; Williamson, Greg; Tompkins-Rhoades, Casey; Washington, Kia; Spiess, Alex; Weber, Douglas; Marra, Kacey G. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. 133(3S):208-209, March 2014.
- Vijay Gorantla, FiruzFeturi, Mario G. Solari, Raman Venkatramanan, Alexander Spiess Objective Metrics of Immunosuppression Adherence in Upper Extremity Transplantation-The Pittsburgh Experience.Abstract Published. Transplantation. June 2015 - Volume 99(6).
- . Z PlastyModification of the Moberg Flap. A Cadaveric Study of Thumb Coverage Options Rishi Jindal, M.D., Brent E. Schultz, M.D., Edward J. Ruane, M.D., Alexander M. Spiess, M.D.Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. 137(3):897-904, March 2016.
- Assessing the long-term patency rate of primary arterial repair, and introduction of the modified CISS questionnaire. Lannau B., MD, Bliley J., BS, James I. B., MS, Wang S., Sivak W., MD PhD, Kim K., PhD, Fowler J., MD, Spiess A., MD. PRS-GO, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open:November 2015 - Volume 3 - Issue 11 – p. e551.
- Isolated Congenital Palatal Fistula associated with Sub mucous Cleft Palate Mekonen Eshete, Camison, L, Fikre Abate, Taye Hailu, Azeez Butali, Losken WH, Spiess, AM.Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open:February 2016 - Volume 4 - Issue 2, p. e613.
- . Diagnosis of Ulnar Nerve Entrapment at the Arcade of Struthers with Electromyography and Ultrasound. Wesley N Sivak, MD, PhD1, Sarah E Hagerty, DO2, Lisa, Huyhn, MD2, Adrienne C Jordan, DO2, Michael C Munin, MD2, Alexander M Spiess, MD.1Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open:March 2016 - Volume 4 - Issue 3 – p. e648.
- .Egro FM, Blecher N, Losee JE, Gimbel ML, Goldstein J, Nahai F, Spiess AM, Nguyen VT. Hand Surgery, Microsurgery, Craniofacial Surgery, and Aesthetic Surgery Fellowship Selection Criteria: A National Program Director Survey. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open: June 2016 - Volume 4 - Issue 6S-2 - p e786
- Sivak WN,Ruane EJ,Hausman SJ, Rubin JP,Spiess AM.Decellularized Matrix and Supplemental Fat Grafting Leads to Regeneration Following Traumatic Fingertip Amputation.PlastReconstr Surg Glob Open. 2016 Oct 12;4(10):e1094. eCollection 2016.
- Unadkat JV, Schnider JT, Feturi FG, Tsuji W, Bliley JM, Venkataramanan R, Solari MG, Marra KG, Gorantla VS, Spiess AM. Single Implantable FK506 Disk Prevents Rejection in Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation. PlastReconstr Surg. 2017 Feb;139(2):403e- 414e.
- Deltoid compartment syndrome: a rare complication following humeral intraosseous access Thadikonda KM, Egro FM, Spiess AM. PlastReconstr Surg Glob Open. 2017 Jan 24;5(1):e1208.
- Egro F.M., Nwaiwu C.A., Smith S., Harper J.D., and Spiess A.M.Seroconversion Rates Among Healthcare Workers Exposed to Hepatitis CContaminated Body Fluids: The University of Pittsburgh 13 year experience.Am J Infect Control. 2017, Apr 24.
- Egro F.M., Nwaiwu C.A., Smith S., Harper J.D., and Spiess A.M.Seroconversion Rates Among Healthcare Workers Exposed to HIV Contaminated Body Fluids: The University of Pittsburgh 13 year experience.Am J Infect Control. 2017, Apr 24.
- Egro FM, Sangala VK, Nguyen VT, Spiess AM. Hand Surgery Fellowship Selection Criteria: A National Program Director Survey. Archives of Plastic Surgery. June 2017.
- Debra A Bourne, MD1; Wesley Sivak, MD, PhD1; Alex Spiess, MD.1Current Trends in Local Flaps of the Hand. Current Orthopaedic Practice. Volume 29, Number 2, March/April 2018. Pp. 127-134.
- FiruzFeturi, Yang Li, Jonas Schnider, Jan A. Plock, Mario G. Solari,Alexander M. Spiess, Raman Venkataramanan, Vijay Gorantla. Mycophenolic Acid forTopical Immunosuppression in Vascularized CompositeAllotransplantation: Optimizing Formulation and Preliminary Evaluation of Bioavailability and Pharmacokinetics. Frontiers inSurgery. Volume 5: May, 2018.
- Schusterman, A, Rishi Jindal, Jignesh Unadkat, Alex Spiess. LaT Branch Nerve Transfer for Biceps Reinnervation. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open: March 19, 2018 - Volume Latest Articles
- Kenny EM,Egro FM,Russavage JM, Spiess AM,Acartürk, TO.Primary Closure of Wide Fasciotomy and Surgical Wounds Using Rubber Band-Assisted External Tissue Expansion: A Simple, Safe, and Cost-Effective Technique. Annals of Plastic Surgery. Jun 2018
- . Chow I, Nguyen VT, Losee JE, Goldstein JA, Spiess AM, Solari MG, Rubin JP, Gusenoff JA. Milestones in Plastic Surgery: Attending Assessment versus Resident Assessment. Plast Reconstr Surg. Feb 2019.
- Day, K, Rohrich, R, Spiess A. The Past Informs the Present, Academic New Media Pitfalls: A Primer for Plastic Surgeons. PlastReconstr Surg Glob Open. 2019;Apr.7(4):e2178.
- Parent B, Camison L, Barreiro G, Spiess A. Small Finger Osteocutaneous Fillet Flap for Reconstruction in Ring Finger Trauma.PlastReconstr Surg Glob Open. Oct. 2019;7(10):e2477.
- Fadia, N.B.;Bliley, J.M.; DiBernardo, G.A.; Crammond, D.J.; Schilling, B.K.; Sivak, W.N.; Spiess, A.M.; Washington, K.M.; Waldner, M.; Tsung, L.H.; James, I.B.; Minteer, D.M.; Tompkins-Rhoades, C.; Kim, D.Y.; Schweizer, R.; Bourne, D.A.; Cottrill, A.R.; Panagis, G.E.; Schusterman, M.A.; Egro, F.M.; Campwala, I.K.; Simpson, T.; Weber, D.J.; Gause, T.; Brooker, J.E.; Josyula, T.; Guevara, A.A.; Repko, A.J.; Mahoney, C.M.; Marra, K.G.* Long-Gap Peripheral Nerve Repair Through Sustained Release of a Neurotrophic Factor in Non-human Primates, Science Translational Medicine, November 2019.
- Anstadt, EE. Turer, DM.Spiess, AM. Manders, EK.Surgical Management of Hand Deformity in Epidermolysis Bullosa: Initial Experience and Technique. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open in Vol. 8, No. 3, March 2020.
- Feturi FG, Schnider JT, Fanzio PM, Erbas VE, Oksuz S, Sahin H, Dong L, Unadkat JM, Spiess AM, Plock JA, Solari MG, Gorantla VS, Venkataramanan R. Pharmacokinetics and Biodistribution of Tacrolimus after Topical Administration: Implications for Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation. Pharm Res. 2020 Oct 16;37(11):222.
Invited Lectures
- Eighth Annual Hand and Upper Extremity Conference: Sports related injuries of the Upper Extremity. Metacarpal Fractures. Allegheny General Hospital. September, 2006.
- Ninth Annual Hand and Upper Extremity Conference: Current Concepts in the Management of Shoulder, Elbow, and Wrist pathology. Allegheny General Hospital. April 18 & 19, 2008. Presentation: Evaluation and treatment of the pathologic Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex.
- Tenth Annual Hand and Upper Extremity Conference: Advances in Hand Surgery: Therapists and Surgeons ‘Hand in Hand’for improved outcomes. Allegheny General Hospital. February 6, 2009. Presentations: Tendon Injuries and Replantation, Skin Grafts, Flaps and Wound Care.
- Eleventh Annual Hand and Upper Extremity Conference, Treatment of acute hand and wrist trauma: Surgeon and Therapists’ perspective. December 3, 2010. Presentations: Flexor/Extensor Tendon Injuries, Soft Tissue Coverage of the Hand.
- Late treatment of PIP fracture/dislocation. American Association of Orthopeadic Surgery Annual Meeting 2011. American Society of Surgery of the Hand/ American Association of Hand Surgery Specialty Day. February 19, 2011.
- The Pittsburgh Hand Transplant Experience. Tri City Hand Conference. Philadelphia, PA. June 16, 2012.
- American Association of Hand Surgery Comprehensive Hand Review Course. Nerve Compressions/CRPS. American Association of Hand Surgery Annual Meeting, Friday January 11, 2013. Ft. Myers, Fl.
- The Weird The Wacky and The Ugly; Skin Lesions That Frequent The Hand Surgeon. Chair: Joshua M. Abzug, MD. Instructors: A. Lee Osterman, MD; Mark Rekant, MD; Mark Cappel, MD; Alex Spiess, MD. American Association of Hand Surgery Annual Meeting, Wednesday January 9, 2013. Ft. Meyers, Fl.
- Doctors Demystify, The Whys and Hows of Hand Surgery For OTs and PTs. Nerves. UPMC Passavant. April, 2013.
- IC 103: The Weird The Wacky and The Ugly; Skin Lesions That Frequent The Hand Surgeon Chair: Joshua M. Abzug, MD. Instructors: A. Lee Osterman, MD; Mark Rekant, MD; Mark Cappel, MD; Alex Spiess, MD. American Association of Hand Surgery 2014 Annual Meeting Wednesday, January 8th 2014. Kauai.
- Upper Extremity Reconstruction Smackdown: Comparing Hand Transplantation, TMR, and Prostheses in 2014. American Association of Hand Surgery Annual Meeting, Kauai. January 11, 2014.
- Doctors Demystify Course: Doctors Demystify the Wrist 2014: For Occupational and Physical Therapists. Kienbock’s and Preiser’s Disease. Passavant Hospital, April 2014.
- Multiple tissue loss. 2nd Annual Pittsburgh Hand Course, Recovering from Hand Trauma. Shadyside Hospital. October, 25, 2014.
- AAHS Comprehensive Hand Review Course. Flap coverage of the Upper Extremity. American Association of Hand Surgery Annual Meeting, 2015. Bahamas. January 23, 2015.
- Nerves 2015! Current treatment of complex peripheral nerve dysfunction. Duquesne University. October 3, 2015.
- Doctors Demystify Course: Doctors Demystify the Wrist 2016: For Occupational and Physical Therapists. Altered wound healing. Passavant Hospital, April 16, 2016.
- 3rd Annual Jesse B. Jupiter International Hand Forum. Vac assisted closure of hand wounds, and splinting after nerve repair. Thursday, April 28 – Sunday, May 1, 2016
- Panel: Nerve and Tendon Transfers - Either, Neither or Both? The 59th Annual Meeting of the Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons June 3-5, 2016. Dayton, OH
- The Scope of Plastic Surgery: Hand Surgery. Medical Student’s Day - Saturday September 24, 2016 Plastic Surgery The Meeting
- ASSH Elbow Cadaver dissection lab. FCU Flap. Mark Baratz Chair. ASSH 71st Annual Meeting. Sept 2016. Austin
- Wound Care and Ischemic Hand. 3rd Annual Pittsburgh Hand Therapy Conference. Oct 29, 2016
- Nerves 2016! Carpal tunnel syndrome and cubital tunnel syndrome. Duquesne University. Nov 19, 2016.
- Dupuytren Disease – AAHS Comprehensive review course. AAHSAnnual Meeting 2017. Jan 2017.
- AAHS Hands-On Surgical Skills Course. AAHSAnnual Meeting 2017. Jan 2017. Warren Hammert and Leffry Lawton, Co- Chairs.
- Doctors Demystify Course: Doctors Demystify the Wrist 2017: For Occupational and Physical Therapists. Tendon and Nerve transfers. Passavant Hospital, April 23, 2017.
- Nerve transfers. RSSH Annual Meeting 2017. Cluj-Napoca, Romania. April 25-28, 2017.
- Thumb reconstruction. RSSH Annual Meeting 2017. Cluj-Napoca, Romania. April 25-28, 2017.
- Flaps about the hand and elbow. RSSH Annual Meeting 2017. Cluj-Napoca, Romania. April 25-28, 2017.
- Taking the Pain out of CRPS. 4th Annual Pittsburgh Hand to Shoulder Therapy Conference. Oct 28, 2017.
- Nerves 2017! Duquesne University. Nov 18, 2017.
- Dupuytren's Contracture - How to Decide Between Different Treatments. AAHS Annual Meeting, Friday, January 12, 2018.
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. ASPS Annual Meeting, Sept. 30, 2018.
- Cubital Tunnel Syndrome. ASPS Annual Meeting, Sept. 30, 2018.
- Burns. 5th Annual Pittsburgh Hand to Shoulder Therapy Conference. Oct 2018.
- Upper Trunk Nerve Transfers. BAPRAS International meeting Cluj-Napoca Romania. May 9-10, 2019.
- CRPS – Making the Diagnosis. BAPRAS International meeting Cluj-Napoca Romania. May 9-10, 2019.
- Thumb reconstruction. BAPRAS International meeting Cluj-Napoca Romania. May 9-10, 2019.
- Treatment options for SLAC wrist. ASPS Annual Meeting 2019
- Motor nerve transfers for ulnar nerve. ASPS Annual Meeting 2019
- Mallet finger. ASPS Annual Meeting 2019
- Moderator: NESPS panel on Office-Based Hand Surgery. NESPS Annual Meeting, Oct 4-6. 2019. Pittsburgh, PA
- Flaps of the Upper Extremity. 15th Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Microsurgery. June 24-27. 2021
- Thumb Reconstruction. 15th Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Microsurgery. June 24-27. 2021
- Upper trunk and global brachial plexus reconstruction. 15th Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Microsurgery. June 24-27. 2021
Book Chapters
- Spiess AM, Clemente J, Schmidt CC, Baratz ME. Chapter 97: Restoration of thumb function after partial or total amputation. In: Hunter, Maklin, and Callahan’s Rehabilitation of the Hand and Upper Extremity. 6th Edition. 2008
- Argenta A, Grunwaldt L, and Spiess A. Acquired vascular disorders. In Abzug, Kozin, and Zlotolow. The Pediatric Upper Extremity. Springer Reference, 2015
- Turer D, Spiess AM. Chapter 101: Vascular Disorders of the Hand and Wrist. Essentials of Plastic Surgery, 3rd ed. Editor. Jeffrey E. Janis. 2018
- Spiess AM, Imbriglia, JE. Radial Shortening Osteotomy as an important treatment option of Stage II and IIIa Kienbock’s disease. Abstract presented at the 2004 ASSH Meeting in NYC.
- Spiess, AM, Zelouf, DS, Bednar, JM. Comparison of Outcomes of Closed Reduction and Percutaneous Pinning versus Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Proximal Phalangeal Fractures. Presented at 62nd Annual ASSH Meeting in Seattle, WA. 2007.
- Spiess AM, Chavanon VA, Foust DE, Shores J, Brandacher G, Gorantla VS, Lee WPA, and Losee J. Functional Outcomes after Upper Extremity Transplantation; The Pittsburgh Experience. Poster and Podium presentation. American Society for Reconstructive Transplantation 3rd Biennial Meeting, November 15-17, 2012
- Spiess AM, Chavanon VA, Foust DE, Shores J, Brandacher G, Gorantla VS, Lee WPA, and Losee J. Patient Adherence in Therapy after Upper Extremity Transplantation; The Pittsburgh Experience. Poster presentation. American Society for Reconstructive Transplantation 3rd Biennial Meeting, November 15-17, 2012.
- Spiess AM, Chavanon VA, Foust DE, Shores J, Brandacher G, Gorantla VS, Lee WPA, and Losee J. Evaluation of Psychosocial Factors in Hand Transplantation: The Pittsburgh Experience. Poster presentation. American Society for Reconstructive Transplantation 3rd Biennial Meeting, November 15-17, 2012.
- Increasing neural synchronicity parallels successful embodiment of the transplanted hand. Bagić AI, Sudre G, Gorantla VS, Jousmäki V, Haridis A, Lee WPA, Spiess AM, Losee JE, Hari R, Parkkonen L. 18th International conference on Biomagnetism, 2012.
- Evolving connectivity pattern during successful functional integration of the transplanted hand. Bagić AI, Castellanos N, Gorantla VS, Sudre G, Jousmäki V, Haridis A, Lee WPA, Spiess AM, Losee JE, Maestu F. 18th International conference on Biomagnetism, 2012.
- Successful functional integration of the transplanted hand heralded by the dynamics of re-emergence of somatosensory responses. Bagić AI, Gorantla VS, Sudre G, Jousmäki V, Lee V, Haridis A, Lee WPA, Spiess AM, Losee JE, Boada F, Parkkonen L, Hari R. 18th International conference on Biomagnetism, 2012.
- Spiess AM, Chavanon VA, Foust DE, Shores J, Brandacher G, Gorantla VS, Lee WPA, and Losee J. Medication Adherence and Immunologic Activity in Upper Extremity Transplantation. Department of Plastic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. AAHS Annual Meeting, January 9-12, 2013
- Unadkat JV, Schnider J, Spiess A. Targeted drug delivery system to induce long-term survival in Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation (VCA). 59th Annual Meeting of The Robert H Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons, Bethelehem, PA, March 9th, 2013.
** Best Overall Presentation ** - Developing a large-gap peripheral nerve defect model in the Rhesus macaque. Sivak WN, Bliley JM, Minteer DM, McLaughlin MM, Washington KM, Spiess AM, Crammond DJ, Marra KG. Poster presentation to the 56th Meeting of The Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons, Indianapolis, IN. May 2013
- Unadkat JV, Schnider J, Spiess A. Improved compliance via regional immunosuppression induces long-term survival in vascularized composite allotransplantation. 55th Annual Meeting of the Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons. Indianapolis, IN. May 17-19, 2013.
**Best Overall Paper Presentation* - Unadkat JV, Schnider J, Tsuji W, Solari M, Marra K, Spiess A. Improved compliance via loco-regional immunosuppression induces long-term survival in Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation. Plastic Surgery Annual Research Day, Dept of Plastic Surgery, Pittsburgh, PA. June 29-30, 2013.
**Best Overall Paper Presentation** - Unadkat JV, Schnider J, Tsuji W, Solari M, Marra K, Spiess A. Improved compliance via loco-regional immunosuppression induces long-term survival in Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation. AAHS 2014 Annual Meeting Thursday Jan 9, 2014.
- Edward H. Davidson MA MBBS, Alexander Spiess MD, Mario Solari MD, Jamie Shores MD, Gerald Brandacher MD, Dan Foust RN, Galen Wachtman MD, Jonathan Keith MD, Derek Fletcher MD, Paul Afrooz MD, Nima Naghashineh MD, Wesley Sivak MD PhD, Sanjay Naran MD, WP Andrew Lee MD, Joseph E. Losee MD, Vijay Gorantla MD PhD The Clinical Course of Hand Transplantation: The Pittsburgh Experience of Unanticipated Events. AAHS 2014 Annual Meeting Thursday Jan 9, 2014.
- Bliley JM, Sivak WN, Minteer DM, McLaughlin MM, Liberatore R, Schroth RN, Liao HT, Simpson T, Hokanson J,Williamson G, Tompkins-Rhoades C, Washington KM, Spiess AM, Weber D, Crammond DJ, Marra KG. An Interim Analysis of outcomes in a 5-cm Median Nerve defect in Non-human Primates. PSRC Meeting, March 7 - 9, 2014. New York City.
- Bliley JM, 1 Sivak WN, 1 Minteer DM, 2 McLaughlin MM, 1 Liberatore R, 1 Schroth RN, 1 Liao HT, 1 Simpson T, 2 Hokanson J,2 Tompkins-Rhoades C, 1 Williamson G, 1 Washington KM, 1 Spiess AM, 1 Weber D, 2 Crammond DJ, 3,4 Marra KG1, 2,3 An Interim Analysis of outcomes in a 5-cm Median Nerve defect in Non-human Primates. McGowan Institute Retreat. Farmington, PA. March 9-11, 2014
- Firuz Feturi, Matthias Weinstock, Wei Zhang, Jonas Schnider, Jan A. Plock, Lisa Rohan, Alexander M. Spiess, Lydia M. Ferreira, Mario G. Solari, Vijay Gorantla, Raman Venkataramanan. Permeability Studies of Immunosuppressive Drugs for Topical Delivery: Formulation and In Vitro Characterization. Plastic Surgery Research Retreat. June 2014.
- Firuz Feturi, Yang Li, Jonas Schnider, Jan A. Plock, Mario G. Solari, Alexander M. Spiess, Raman Venkataramanan, Vijay Gorantla. Pharmacokinetic and Local Tissues Concentration of Mycophenolic Acid and Tacrolimus following Topical and Systemic Administration in Rats. Plastic Surgery Research Retreat. June 2014.
- Firuz Feturi, Matthias Weinstock, Wei Zhang, Jonas Schnider, Jan A. Plock, Lisa Rohan, Alexander M. Spiess, Lydia M. Ferreira, Mario G. Solari, Vijay Gorantla, Raman Venkataramanan. Permeability Studies of Immunosuppressive Drugs for Topical Delivery: Formulation and In Vitro Characterization. 6th Annual Pittsburgh AAPS Student Chapters Research Symposium. Jul 2014
- Firuz Feturi, Yang Li, Jonas Schnider, Jan A. Plock, Mario G. Solari, Alexander M. Spiess, Raman Venkataramanan, Vijay Gorantla. Pharmacokinetic and Local Tissues Concentration of Mycophenolic Acid and Tacrolimus following Topical and Systemic Administration in Rats. 6th Annual Pittsburgh AAPS Student Chapters Research Symposium. July 2014.
- Firuz Feturi, Matthias Weinstock, Wei Zhang, Jonas Schnider, Jan A. Plock, Lisa Rohan, Alexander M. Spiess, Lydia M. Ferreira, Mario G. Solari, Vijay Gorantla, Raman Venkataramanan. Permeability Studies of Immunosuppressive Drugs for Topical Delivery: Formulation and In Vitro Characterization. American Association for Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS). Nov 2014.
- Firuz Feturi, Yang Li, Jonas Schnider, Jan A. Plock, Mario G. Solari, Alexander M. Spiess, Raman Venkataramanan, Vijay Gorantla. Pharmacokinetic and Local Tissues Concentration of Mycophenolic Acid and Tacrolimus following Topical and Systemic Administration in Rats. American Association for Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS). Nov 2014.
- Firuz Feturi, Matthias Weinstock, Wei Zhang, Jonas Schnider, Jan A. Plock, Lisa Rohan, Alexander M. Spiess, Lydia M. Ferreira, Mario G. Solari, Vijay Gorantla, Raman Venkataramanan. Permeability Studies of Immunosuppressive Drugs for Topical Delivery: Formulation and In Vitro Characterization. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS). Dec 2014.
- Firuz Feturi, Yang Li, Jonas Schnider, Jan A. Plock, Mario G. Solari, Alexander M. Spiess, Raman Venkataramanan, Vijay Gorantla. Pharmacokinetic and Local Tissues Concentration of Mycophenolic Acid and Tacrolimus following Topical and Systemic Administration in Rats. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS). Dec 2014.
- Bliley JM, 1 Sivak WN, 1 Minteer DM, 2 McLaughlin MM, 1 Liberatore R, 1 Schroth RN, 1 Liao HT, 1 Simpson T,2 Hokanson J,2 Tompkins-Rhoades C, 1 Williamson G, 1 Washington KM, 1 Spiess AM, 1 Weber D, 2 Crammond DJ, 3,4 Marra KG1, 2,3 An Interim Analysis of outcomes in a 5-cm Median Nerve defect in Non-human Primates. Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS) 18-21 August 2014.
- Interim Analysis of Long Gap Median Nerve Regeneration Through Novel Tissue Engineered Nerve Guides in a Non-Human Primate Model. Jacqueline Bliley M.Sc, Wesley Sivak M.D. Ph.D, Danielle Minteer B.S, Rich Liberatore B.S, Ryan Schroth B.S, Han Tsung Liao M.D. PhD., Riccardo Schweizer M.D., Trent Gause B.S, Tyler Simpson Ph.D, Jim Hokanson Ph.D , Casey Tompkins-Rhoades, Kia Washington M.D., Alex Spiess M.D., Doug Weber Ph.D, Donald Crammond Ph.D, Kacey Marra Ph.D. TERMIS, Dec 13-18, 2014.
- Firuz Feturi, Yang Li, Jonas Schnider, Jan A. Plock, Mario G. Solari, Alexander M. Spiess, Raman Venkataramanan, Vijay Gorantla. Pharmacokinetic and Local Tissues Concentration of Mycophenolic Acid and Tacrolimus following Topical and Systemic Administration in Rats. ASRT Annual Meeting. Nov 2014.
- Correlative Metrics of Adherence to Immunosuppression in Upper Extremity Transplantation: The Pittsburgh Experience. Firuz G. Feturi, B.Pharm; Vijay S. Gorantla, MD, PhD, Vincent A. Chavanon, BA, Joseph E. Losee, MD; Mario G. Solari, MD; Raman Venkataramanan, PhD; Alexander M. Spiess, MD. Poster Presentation. ASRT Annual Meeting. Nov 2014.
- Interim Analysis of Long Gap Median Nerve Regeneration Through Novel Tissue Engineered Nerve Guides in a Non-Human Primate Model. Bliley JM, 1 Sivak WN, 1 Minteer DM,2 Schweizer R, 1 Bourne D1, James I1, Kostereva N, 1, Schroth RN, 1 Simpson T, 2 Tompkins-Rhoades C, 1 Taylor A,1 Washington KM, 1 Spiess AM, 1 Crammond DJ, 3,4 Marra KG1, 2,3 McGowan Institute Retreat. March 2015.
- Firuz Feturi, Yang Li, Jonas Schnider, Jan A. Plock, Mario G. Solari, Alexander M. Spiess, Raman Venkataramanan, Vijay Gorantla. Pharmacokinetic and Local Tissues Concentration of Mycophenolic Acid and Tacrolimus following Topical and Systemic Administration in Rats. McGowan Institute Retreat. March 2015.
- Firuz Feturi, Matthias Weinstock, Wei Zhang, Jonas Schnider, Jan A. Plock, Lisa Rohan, Alexander M. Spiess, Lydia M. Ferreira, Mario G. Solari, Vijay Gorantla, Raman Venkataramanan. Permeability Studies of Immunosuppressive Drugs for Topical Delivery: Formulation and In Vitro Characterization. McGowan retreat. March 2015.
- Firuz Feturi, Yang Li, Jonas Schnider, Jan A. Plock, Mario G. Solari, Alexander M. Spiess, Raman Venkataramanan, Vijay Gorantla. Pharmacokinetic and Local Tissues Concentration of Mycophenolic Acid and Tacrolimus following Topical and Systemic Administration in Rats.12th Congress of the International Hand and Composite Tissues Allotransplantation Society (IHCTAS), Philadelphia, PA. April 2015.
- Vijay Gorantla, Firuz Feturi, Mario G. Solari, Raman Venkatramanan, Alexander Spiess Objective Metrics of Immunosuppression Adherence in Upper Extremity Transplantation-The Pittsburgh Experience. IHCTAS 2015, 12th Congress of the International Hand and Composite Tissue Allotransplantation Society. April 15-18, 2015.
- Bliley JM, 1 Bourne D1, James I1, Kostereva N, 1 Waldner M, 1 Grybowski D, 1 Sivak WN,1 Schweizer R, 1 Schroth RN, 1 Minteer DM,2 Simpson T, 2 Tompkins-Rhoades C, 1 Taylor A,1 Dees A, 1 Washington KM, 1 Spiess AM, 1 Crammond DJ, 3,4 Marra KG1, 2,3 Regeneration of Long Gap Median Nerve Defects and Functional Reinnervation of the Abductor Pollicis Brevis Muscle Using Novel Tissue Engineered Nerve Guides in a Non-Human Primate Model. UPMC Department of Plastic Surgery Resident Research Day June 2015.
- Locally Implantable Biodegradable Polymeric Tacrolimus Disc provides Allograft Targeted Immunosuppression to Sustain Long Term VCA Survival Firuz G. Feturi,1 Jignesh V. Unadkat,2 Vijay S. Gorantla,2 Mario G. Solari,2 Raman Venkataramanan,1 Alexander M. Spiess.2 UPMC Department of Plastic Surgery Resident Research Day June 2015.
- Hand surgery, microsurgery, craniofacial surgery, and aesthetic surgery fellowship selection criteria: a national program director survey. Egro FM, Losee JE, Lu A, Gimble ML, Goldstein JA, Nahai F, Spiess AM, Nguyen VT. UPMC Department of Plastic Surgery Resident Research Day June 2015.
- A Cadaver Study of the Z-Plasty Modification to the Moberg Flap for Increased Advancement and Decreased Morbidity. Rishi Jindal, MD, Edward Ruane, MD, Brent Schultz, MD, Alex Spiess, MD. UPMC Department of Plastic Surgery Resident Research Day June 2015.
- Egro FM, Sangala VK, Nguyen VT, Spiess AM. Hand Surgery Fellowship Selection Criteria: A National Program Director Survey. UPMC Department of Plastic Surgery Resident Research Day June 2015.
- Bliley JM, 1 Bourne D1, James I1, Kostereva N, 1 Sivak WN,1 Schweizer R, 1 Schroth RN, 1 Minteer DM,2 Simpson T, 2 Tompkins-Rhoades C, 1 Taylor A,1 Dees A, 1 Washington KM, 1 Spiess AM, 1 Crammond DJ, 3,4 Marra KG.1, 2,3 Regeneration of Long Gap Median Nerve Defects and Function Reinnervation of the Abductor Pollicis Brevis Muscle Using Novel Tissue Engineered Nerve Guides in a Non-Human Primate Model. MHSRS. August 17-20, 2015
- Egro FM, Sangala VK, Nguyen VT, Spiess AM. Hand Surgery Fellowship Selection Criteria: A National Program Director Survey. ASPS The Meeting, 2105. September 16-20, 2015.
- Bliley JM, 1 Bourne D1, James I1, Kostereva N, 1 Sivak WN,1 Schweizer R, 1 Schroth RN, 1 Minteer DM,2 Simpson T, 2 Tompkins-Rhoades C, 1 Taylor A,1 Dees A, 1 Washington KM, 1 Spiess AM, 1 Crammond DJ, 3,4 Marra KG.1, 2,3 Regeneration of Long Gap Median Nerve Defects and Function Reinnervation of the Abductor Pollicis Brevis Muscle Using Novel Tissue Engineered Nerve Guides in a Non-Human Primate Model. TERMIS. Sept. 8-11, 2015. **First Place Award**
- Egro FM, Sangala VK, Nguyen VT, Spiess AM. Hand Surgery Fellowship Selection Criteria: A National Program Director Survey. AAHS Annual Meeting 2016. Scottsdale, AZ.
- Egro FM, Sangala VK, Nguyen VT, Spiess AM. Hand Surgery Fellowship Selection Criteria: A National Program Director Survey. 3rd Annual ACAPS - AAPS Winter Retreat. Feb 6-7, 2016.
- Egro F.M., Nwaiwu C.A., Smith S., Harper J.D., and Spiess A.M. Seroconversion Rates Among Healthcare Workers Exposed to Human ImmunodeficiencyVirus and Hepitis C Contaminated Body Fluids: The University of Pittsburgh Experience. 5th International Conference on Viral Hepatitis, March 14, 2016.
- Egro F.M., Nwaiwu C.A., Smith S., Harper J.D., and Spiess A.M. Seroconversion Rates Among Healthcare Workers Exposed to Human ImmunodeficiencyVirus and Hepitis C Contaminated Body Fluids: The University of Pittsburgh Experience. 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Robert H. Ivy Pennsylvania Plastic Surgery Society. April 16, 2016.
- Egro FM, Sangala VK, Nguyen VT, Spiess AM. Hand Surgery Fellowship Selection Criteria: A National Program Director Survey. 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Robert H. Ivy Pennsylvania Plastic Surgery Society. April 16, 2016.
- Locally Implantable Biodegradable Polymeric Tacrolimus Disc provides Allograft Targeted Immunosuppression to Sustain Long Term VCA Survival Firuz G. Feturi,1 Jignesh V. Unadkat,2 Vijay S. Gorantla,2 Mario G. Solari,2 Raman Venkataramanan,1 Alexander M. Spiess.2 Robert H. Ivy Pennsylvania Plastic Surgery Society April 16, 2016.
- Egro FM, Sangala VK, Nguyen VT, Spiess AM. Hand Surgery Fellowship Selection Criteria: A National Program Director Survey. ACAPS Annual Meeting May 19, 2016.
- Egro F.M., Nwaiwu C.A., Smith S., Harper J.D., and Spiess A.M. Seroconversion Rates Among Healthcare Workers Exposed to Human ImmunodeficiencyVirus and Hepitis C Contaminated Body Fluids: The University of Pittsburgh Experience. Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons (OVSPS) conference. Dayton, Ohio, June 3-5.
- Egro FM, Sangala VK, Nguyen VT, Spiess AM. Hand Surgery Fellowship Selection Criteria: A National Program Director Survey. UPMC Annual GME Leadership Conference 2016.
- Locally Implantable Biodegradable Polymeric Tacrolimus Disc Prolongs Survival of Vascularized Survival of Vascularized Composite Allografts without Morbid Adverse Effects . Firuz G. Feturi,1 Jignesh V. Unadkat,2 Vijay S. Gorantla,2 Mario G. Solari,2 Raman Venkataramanan,1 Alexander M. Spiess.2 33rd Annual NESPS Meeting, October 14-16, 2016, Baltimore, MD.
- Egro F.M., Nwaiwu C.A., Smith S., Harper J.D., and Spiess A.M. Seroconversion Rates Among Healthcare Workers Exposed to Human ImmunodeficiencyVirus and Hepitis C Contaminated Body Fluids: The University of Pittsburgh Experience. ASPS Annual Meeting. Sept 23-27, 2016. Los Angeles.
- Egro F.M., Nwaiwu C.A., Smith S., Harper J.D., and Spiess A.M. Seroconversion Rates Among Healthcare Workers Exposed to Human ImmunodeficiencyVirus and Hepitis C Contaminated Body Fluids: The University of Pittsburgh Experience. Texas HIV/STD conference, Austin, TX next week, Oct. 3-6, 2016. * Student Research Award First Place - $2500 *
- Egro F.M., Nwaiwu C.A., Smith S., Harper J.D., and Spiess A.M. Seroconversion Rates Among Healthcare Workers Exposed to Human ImmunodeficiencyVirus and Hepitis C Contaminated Body Fluids: The University of Pittsburgh Experience. APHA 2016 Annual Meeting & Expo (Oct. 29 - Nov. 2, 2016). Denver
- Locally Implantable Biodegradable Polymeric Tacrolimus Disc Prolongs Survival of Vascularized Survival of Vascularized Composite Allografts without Morbid Adverse Effects . Firuz G. Feturi,1 Jignesh V. Unadkat,2 Vijay S. Gorantla,2 Mario G. Solari,2 Raman Venkataramanan,1 Alexander M. Spiess.2 American Society for Reconstructive Transplantation 5th Biennial Meeting, November 3-5, 2016, Drake Hotel in Chicago, IL
- Long Gap Median Nerve Regeneration Using Tissue Engineered Guides in a Non-Human Primate Model. DiBernardo G1, Bliley JM1, Waldner M1, Schroth RN1, Mahoney C1,2, Grybowski D1, Bourne D1, James I1, Simpson T2, Tompkins-Rhoades C2, Spiess, AM, Taylor A2, Dees A2, Crammond DJ 3,4, Marra KG. HHI Regen. Med. Workshop. Mar. 1-3, 2017.
- Biodegradable Conduits for Large Extremity Nerve Injuries. Gabriella DiBernardo, BS1, Jacqueline Bliley, MS1, Deok-Yeol Kim, MD1, M. Asher Schusterman, MD1, Matthias Waldner, MD1, Ryan Schroth, MBA1, Christopher Mahoney, MS1, Damian Grybowsky, MD1, Debra Bourne, MD1, Isaac James, MD1, Neil Fadia1, Victoria McGovern1, Anandhini Narayanan1, Tyler Simpson, BS1, Casey Tompkins-Rhoades, BS1, Ana Taylor, BS1, Aaron Dees, BS1, Kia Washington, MD1, Alexander Spiess, MD1, Donald Crammond, PhD1,2, Kacey Marra, PhD1,2 Military Health System Research Symposium 2017
- Chow I, Nguyen VT, Losee JE, Goldstein JA, Spiess AM, Solari MG, Rubin JP, Gusenoff JA. Milestones in Plastic Surgery: Attending Assessment versus Resident Assessment. Robert H. Ivy Society 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. April 22, 2017.
- M. Asher Schusterman II MD, Rishi Jindal MD, Jignesh Unadkat MD, Alexander Spiess MD LaT Branch Transfer for Biceps Reinnervation. Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting, June 2-4, 2017
- Biodegradable Conduits for Large Extremity Nerve Injuries. Gabriella DiBernardo, BS1, Jacqueline Bliley, MS1, Deok-Yeol Kim, MD1, M. Asher Schusterman, MD1, Matthias Waldner, MD1, Ryan Schroth, MBA1, Christopher Mahoney, MS1, Damian Grybowsky, MD1, Debra Bourne, MD1, Isaac James, MD1, Neil Fadia1, Victoria McGovern1, Anandhini Narayanan1, Tyler Simpson, BS1, Casey Tompkins-Rhoades, BS1, Ana Taylor, BS1, Aaron Dees, BS1, Kia Washington, MD1, Alexander Spiess, MD1, Donald Crammond, PhD1,2, Kacey Marra, PhD1,2 UPMC Resident Research Day. June 23, 2017
- M. Asher Schusterman II MD, Rishi Jindal MD, Jignesh Unadkat MD, Alexander Spiess MD LaT Branch Transfer for Biceps Reinnervation” at the Hand Society’s 72nd Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA from September 7-9, 2017
- M. Asher Schusterman II MD, Rishi Jindal MD, Jignesh Unadkat MD, Alexander Spiess MD LaT Branch Transfer for Biceps Reinnervation. NESPS 34th Annual Meeting, Sept 8-10, 2017
- Tyler Bray, Skip Meetze, Jon Schull, Alexander Spiess. Development Of A 3D Printed, Low Cost Thumb Prosthetic. BMES 2017 Annual Meeting, October 11-14, 2017.
- Tyler Bray, Skip Meetze, Jon Schull, Alexander Spiess. Development Of A 3D Printed, Low Cost Thumb Prosthetic. Pitt Science 2017, Oct 2017
- Egro F.M., Nwaiwu C.A., Smith S., Harper J.D., and Spiess A.M. Seroconversion Rates Among Healthcare Workers Exposed to Human ImmunodeficiencyVirus and Hepatitis C Contaminated Body Fluids: The University of Pittsburgh Experience. Young Investigator poster competition in the medical student award category winner. 2017 Gateway Medical Society (GMS) Provider Symposium. October 7, 2017
- Pang JH, Shovel J, Martini R, Rubin JP, Spiess AM. Quality Improvement in the Outpatient Setting: The Hand Trauma Clinic Experience. UPMC Quality and Patient Safety Award Reception. Nov. 2017. *Award Winner*
- Biodegradable Conduits for Peripheral Nerve Injuries in a Primate Model. Gabriella DiBernardo BS1, Jacqueline Bliley, MS1, Deok-Yeol Kim, MD1, M. Asher Schusterman, MD1, Matthias Waldner, MD1, Ryan Schroth, MBA1, Christopher Mahoney, MS1, Damian Grybowsky, MD1, Debra A Bourne, MD1, Isaac James, MD1, Neil Fadia1, Victoria McGovern1, Anandhini Narayanan1, Kia Washington, MD1, Alexander Spiess, MD1, Donald Crammond, PhD2, Kacey Marra, PhD1 Termis Dec 3-6, 2017.
- M. Asher Schusterman II MD, Rishi Jindal MD, Jignesh Unadkat MD, Alexander Spiess MD LaT Branch Transfer for Biceps Reinnervation. ASPN Poster session. January 12, 2018.
- Firuz G. Feturi, PhD, Vincent Chavanon, MD, Jaimie Shores, MD, Gerald Brandacher,MD, Andrew Lee, MD, Joseph Losee, MD, Kia Washington, MD, Mario G. Solari, MD, Raman Venkataramanan, PhD, Vijay Gorantla, MD, Alexander M. Spiess, MD. Correlative Metrics of Adherence to Immunosuppression in Upper Extremity Transplant Recipients - Pittsburgh Experience. PSRC. 63rd Annual Meeting. May 17-20, 2018 ***Best Poster Award***
- Biodegradable Conduits for Peripheral Nerve Injuries in a Primate Model. Gabriella DiBernardo BS1, Jacqueline Bliley, MS1, Deok-Yeol Kim, MD1, M. Asher Schusterman, MD1, Matthias Waldner, MD1, Ryan Schroth, MBA1, Christopher Mahoney, MS1, Damian Grybowsky, MD1, Debra A Bourne, MD1, Isaac James, MD1, Neil Fadia1, Victoria McGovern1, Anandhini Narayanan1, Kia Washington, MD1, Alexander Spiess, MD1, Donald Crammond, PhD2, Kacey Marra, PhD1 MIRM 2018.
- Firuz G. Feturi, PhD, Vincent Chavanon, MD, Jaimie Shores, MD, Gerald Brandacher, MD, Andrew Lee, MD, Joseph Losee, MD, Kia Washington, MD, Mario G. Solari, MD, Raman Venkataramanan, PhD, Vijay Gorantla, MD, Alexander M. Spiess, MD. Correlative Metrics of Adherence to Immunosuppression in Upper Extremity Transplant Recipients - Pittsburgh Experience. Pitt Resident Research Day, June 2018.
- Firuz Feturi, PhD, Jignesh Unadkat, MD, Yong Wang, MD, Wensheng Zhang, MD, Chiaki Komatsu MD, Jingjing Li, MD, Damian Grybowski, MD, Zhaoxiang Zhang, MD, Vijay Gorantla MD, Kia Washington, MD, Mario Solari, MD, Raman Venkatramanan, PhD, Alexander Spiess, MD. Single Locally Implanted Tacrolimus Disk Promotes Long-term Vascularized Composite Allograft Survival via Site Specific Immunosuppression and without Systemic Side Effects. PSRC. May, 2019.
- Loder, SJ, Moroni, EA, Kim JS, Spiess, AM. Fat Grafting for the Dysesthetic Digit: A Discussion of Technique and Pilot Data. OVPSS, June 5-6, 2020.
- Kim JS, Loder, SJ, Moroni, EA, Spiess, AM. Management of the Amputated Finger: Revision Rates and Predictors of Success. OVPSS, June 5-6, 2020.
- Moroni, EA, Kim JS, Loder, SJ, Spiess, AM. Back to Work: Factors Affecting Occupational Downtime after Digital Amputation. OVPSS, June 5-6, 2020.
- Kim JS, Loder, SJ, Moroni, EA, Spiess, AM. Management of the Amputated Finger: Revision Rates and Predictors of Success. Pitt Plastic Surgery Resident Research Day, June 26, 2020.
- Kim JS, Loder, SJ, Moroni, EA, Spiess, AM. Management of the Amputated Finger: Revision Rates and Predictors of Success. NESPS 37th Annual Meeting 2020, September 25- 27, 2020.
- Kim JS, Loder, SJ, Moroni, EA, Spiess, AM. Management of the Amputated Finger: Revision Rates and Predictors of Success. AAHS Annual Meeting, 2021.
- Loder, SJ, Moroni, EA, Kim JS, Spiess, AM. Fat Grafting for the Dysesthetic Digit: A Discussion of Technique and Pilot Data. AAHS Annual Meeting, 2021.
- Moroni, EA, Kim JS, Loder, SJ, Spiess, AM. Back to Work: Factors Affecting Occupational Downtime after Digital Amputation. AAHS Annual Meeting, 2021.
- Fuat Baris Bengur, MD; Chiaki Komatsu, MD; Jocelyn S. Baker, BS; Benjamin K. Schilling, MS; W. Vincent Nerone, BA; Firuz Feturi, PhD; Alexander M. Spiess, MD; Kacey G. Marra, PhD; Mario G. Solari, MD. Enhancing Functional Recovery with Local FK506 Hydrogel Treatment in Peripheral Nerve Injury. OVSPS, June 4-5, 2021. Basic Science 1st Place
- Fuat Baris Bengur, MD; Chiaki Komatsu, MD; Jocelyn S. Baker, BS; Benjamin K. Schilling, MS; W. Vincent Nerone, BA; Firuz Feturi, PhD; Alexander M. Spiess, MD; Kacey G. Marra, PhD; Mario G. Solari, MD. Enhancing Functional Recovery with Local FK506 Hydrogel Treatment in Peripheral Nerve Injury. RHIS, Sept 18, 2021.
Non Refereed Publications
- Spiess AM, Imbriglia, JE. Radial Shortening Osteotomy as an important treatment option of Stage II and IIIa Kienbock’s disease. The Pittsburgh Orthopaedic Journal. Vol.15, 2004. p. 207.
- Spiess, AM. ‘Dear Doctor’ article: Tennis Elbow. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, June 2011.
- Spiess, AM., Losee, JE., Foust DE., Gorantla, VS. Donor and Recipient Considerations in Upper Extremity Allotransplantation. PSEN Website, May 7, 2012.
- Spiess, A., Chang, B., Brandacher, G., Talbot, S., McGuire, K. Around the Hand Table Panel Discussion: The State of Hand Transplantation. Hand Surgery Quarterly, Fall 2012.
- Spiess, A. Topic: #10 Scaphoid Fractures. Quality Medical Publications. http://www.plasticsurgerypulse.com/home-full.php. Case 16, February, 2013.
- Shores, J., Brandacher, G., Spiess, A., Lee, WPA. Around the Hand Table Discussion: Hand Transplant Program. Current Challenges with Building and Maintaining a Hand Transplant Program. Hand Surgery Quarterly, Summer 2013.
- Spiess, AM. Variation in the Incidence of Distal Radius Fractures in the US Elderly as Related to Slippery Weather Conditions. PRS, Vol. 133, Issue 2. Video Review. Feb 24, 2014. pp. 321-332
- McKenna, H. The Surgeons Who Make Toes Into Thumbs. The Atlantic. Oct 14, 2014.
- Boggs W. Very low seroconversion rated after occupational exposure to HCV or HIV in body fluids. May 2017. Reuters Health Information
Professional Activities
Pitt Plastics Hand Fellowship director
- 2012-13 Galen Wachtman – Texas – private practice
- 2013-14 Alex Davit, III – UPMC – Pediatric hand
- 2014-15 Brent Schultz – Pheonix – Private practice hand and micro
- 2015-16 Jigs Unadkat – UPMC – VA Hospital
- 2016-17 AJ Blackburn (Ortho) – Private practice - Port St. Lucie, FL
- 2017-18 Wes Sivak – Prividemic practice Ohio Health – Columbus, OH
- 2018-19 Debra Bourne – Academic practice – U Kentucky
- 2019-20 Travis Boyd – Academic practice – UTSW
- 2020-21 Tom Suszynski, MD – Academic Practice - UMinn
Scholarly project mentor – University of Pittsburgh SOM
- 2016 - Chibueze Alaoma Nwaiwu (2018)
- 2019 – Alyssa Brisbin
Summer Research Project – University of Pittsburgh SOM
- 2019 – Alyssa Brisban - Certificate of Merit Award Summer 2019
First Experiences in Research – Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
- 2019 – Natalie Britton
Grand Rounds
- Grand Rounds, Department of Plastic Surgery. Current treatment of complex peripheral nerve dysfunction. UPMC. Feb 5, 2014.
- Grand Rounds, Trauma Surgery, Department of General Surgery. Upper extremity replantation. UPMC. May 29, 2014
- Grand Rounds Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds. Common Hand and Wrist Disorders. UPMC, June, 12, 2014.
- Grand Rounds Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds. Common Wrist and Elbow Disorders. UPMC, June, 11, 2015.
- Grand Rounds, Department of Plastic Surgery. Thumb Reconstruction. UPMC. July 1, 2015.
- Grand Rounds Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds. UPMC, December 10, 2015.
- Grand Rounds, Department of Plastic Surgery. Current treatment of complex peripheral nerve dysfunction. UPMC. May 11, 2016.
- Grand Rounds, Trauma Surgery, Department of General Surgery. Upper extremity replantation. UPMC. Oct 22, 2019.
Visiting Professor
- Visiting Professor Department of Surgery, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH. Current treatment of complex peripheral nerve dysfunction. July 25, 2014
Conference Director
- Conference Director, Eleventh Annual Hand and Upper Extremity Conference, Treatment of acute hand and wrist trauma: Surgeon and Therapists’ perspective. Allegheny General Hospital. December 3, 2010. Presentations: Flexor/Extensor Tendon Injuries, Soft Tissue Coverage of the Hand.
- Conference Director, Tenth Annual Hand and Upper Extremity Conference: Advances in Hand Surgery: Therapists and Surgeons ‘Hand in Hand’ for improved outcomes. Allegheny General Hospital. February 6, 2009. Presentations: Tendon Injuries and Replantation, Skin Grafts, Flaps and Wound Care.
- Conference Director, Ninth Annual Hand and Upper Extremity Conference: Current Concepts in the Management of Shoulder, Elbow, and Wrist pathology. Allegheny General Hospital. April 18 & 19, 2008. Presentation: Evaluation and treatment of the pathologic Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex.
- Program Co-Director: 68th Annual Meeting: ASSH Young Members Forum. Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 4:00 – 5:00 PM.
- Course Director, IC52: Pearls for success early in a hand surgery practice. 68th ASSH Annual Meeting October 3-5, 2013.
- Program Co-Director: 69th Annual Meeting: ASSH Young Members Forum. Wednesday, October 17, 2014, 4:00 – 5:00 PM
- Course Director, Instructional Course 39: Building a Successful Practice in the 21st Century. 69th ASSH Annual Meeting. October 20, 2014
- Co-Chair: AAHS Comprehensive Hand Review Course. AAHS Annual Meeting 2015.
- Co-Chair: AAHS Comprehensive Hand Review Course. AAHS Annual Meeting 2016.
- Course Chair: Thumb Reconstruction – Pearls from the Masters. ASPS Annual Meeting, 2018.
Residency and Fellowship
- Co-Director, Annual Hand and Upper Extremity Conference Allegheny General Hospital, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Pittsburgh, PA (annually), 2007 – 2011
- Orthopaedic Surgery Grand Rounds / M&M Allegheny General Hospital, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Pittsburgh, PA (weekly), 2007 – 2011
- Orthopaedic Surgery Hand Conference Allegheny General Hospital, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Pittsburgh, PA (weekly), 2007 – 2011.
- Course Director, Plastic Surgery Hand Conference University of Pittsburgh Department of Plastic Surgery Pittsburgh, PA (2 hours weekly/4 months/year), 2011 – present Responsible for teaching approx. 25 plastic surgery residents
- Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds / M&M University of Pittsburgh Department of Plastic Surgery Pittsburgh, PA (2 hours weekly), 2011 – present Responsible for teaching approx. 25 plastic surgery residents
- Combined Plastic Surgery / Orthopaedic Surgery Hand Conference University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA (weekly), 2011 – present Responsible for teaching 10 hand surgery fellows and approx. 5 plastic and orthopaedic surgery residents
- Combined Plastic Surgery / Orthopaedic Surgery Journal Club University of Pittsburgh (yearly), 2011 – present Responsible for teaching 10 hand surgery fellows and approx. 5 plastic and orthopaedic surgery residents
- Pitt Department of Plastics Surgery Hand Rotation Director (2011- present) – PGY 4, PGY 2 – 30 hours/wk year round.
- Pitt Plastic Surgery Hand Fellowship director – teach fellows 8 hours/wk year round.
- Pitt Plastic and Orthopaedic Hand Surgery Fellowship Microsurgical course – 6 hours/year
- Department of Plastic Surgery Upper Extremity course – (2012 – present) Responsible for teaching approx. 25 plastic surgery residents
Research (Composite tissue transplant immunosuppression, nerve regeneration)
Advisory Board:
Coulter Translational Research Partners II (TPII) Program at the University of Pittsburgh (2016) Medical Advisory Board - Renerva
Grant support:
- Axogen Educational Grant – November 2013 - $2700
- 2014 Basic Science Grant from the ASSH/AFSH. “Site specific immunosuppression for hand reconstruction.” Aug 2014 – Aug 2015. $20,000.
- Medartis Educational Grant - June 2015 - $2592
- Scleroderma Treatment with Celution Processed Adipose Derived Regenerative Cells (STAR): A Randomized, Double-Blind, PlaceboControlled Trial with Incomplete Crossover. STAR; Version A FINAL Cytori Therapeutics, Inc. 3020 Callan Road San Diego, CA 92121. May 2016 start.
- Axogen Educational Grant – May 2016 - $2592
- A Multicenter, Prospective, Randomized, Subject and Evaluator Blinded Comparative Study of Nerve Cuffs and Avance® Nerve Graft Evaluating Recovery Outcomes for the Repair of Nerve Discontinuities (RECON). Protocol No. ANG-CP-007. L Scott Levin MD, Jonathan Isaacs, MD – Co PI’s. Start May 2016. Approved Budget $70,000.
- Integra Educational Grant – July 2017 - $3000
- Axogen Educational Grant – May 2018 – approx. $2500
- 2018 AFSH Basic Science Grant - Improving peripheral nerve regeneration and functional return by sustained local delivery of tacrolimus with an injectable hydrogel applied along the length of the nerve. $20,000
Research Awards:
- Chibueze Alaoma Nwaiwu. Seroconversion Rates Among Healthcare Workers Exposed to Human ImmunodeficiencyVirus and Hepatitis C Contaminated Body Fluids: The University of Pittsburgh Experience. Texas HIV/STD conference, Austin, TX next week, Oct. 3-6, 2016. Student Research Award First Place - $2500
- Tyler Bray. Pitt Swanson School of Engineering Summer Research Fellowship. Summer 2017. $4000.
Journal Contributions
- Plastic Surgery Resident – Chief Medical Editor (2016 – 2018)
- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Essentials for Students – Upper Extremity chapter editor, 2011.
- Plastic Surgery News – Editorial Board - Section Co-Editor, YPS Perspectives (2013- 2016)
- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery—Global Open – Editorial Board – Associate Editor (2014-2018)
- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Manuscript Reviewer (2013-present)
- Journal of Hand Surgery – Manuscript Reviewer (2013-2016)
- Society Board Appointments:
- Robert Ivey Society Board Member – Member at Large (2019-20, 20-21)
- AAHS Board member - Nominating Committee (2019-20)
- ASPS Board member - Nominating Committee (2019-20)
- American Board of Plastic Surgery
- Oral Board examainer 2017, 2018, 2020
- American Association of Plastic Surgery
- Research & Education Committee (2018-19)
- American Society of Peripheral Nerve Surgery
- Program Committee (2018-20)
- American Association of Hand Surgery
- Hand Transplant Taskforce (2012 - 2015)
- Nominating Committee (2013-14, 2019-20)
- Tech Committee (2020-)
- American Society of Plastic Surgery
- Government Relations Committee (2009 - 2011)
- Health Policy Committee (2009 – 2012)
- Young Plastic Surgeons Steering Committee (2010 - 2016)
- In service examination Committee (2012 - present)
- In Service examination Committeee – Vice Chair - Hand and Lower extremity subcommittee (2019 - 2021)
- In Service examination Committeee – Chair - Hand and Lower extremity subcommittee (2021-24)
- PSEN Editorial Subcommittee – Hand/Peripheral Nerve Work Group (2014 - present)
- PSEN Editorial Subcommittee - Co-Chair, Hand/Peripheral Nerve Work Group (2016 – 2019)
- PSEN Editorial Subcommittee - Chair, Hand/Peripheral Nerve Work Group (2019- present)
- Nominating Committee (2019-20)
- Northeast Region COVID-19 Coalition Taskforce (2020-21)
- ASPS Publications Committee (2020-21)
- American Society of Surgery of the Hand
- Young Members Steering Committee (2009 - 2014)
- YMS Committee Chair (2012-14)
- Young Leaders Program (2012-13)
- Nominating Advisory Group (2012-13)
- Shuehorn Committee (2013)
- Annual meeting committee (2015-18)
- Commercial Support Committee (2015-2018)
- Self Assessment Exam Committee (2016-present)
- Resident Education Committee (2017-2020)
- International Relations Committee (2019-20)
- H-FDA Executive Committee (2020-)
- Young Members Steering Committee (2009 - 2014)
- American Council of Academic Plastic Surgeons
- Education Committee (2017-18)
- Resident Selection Committee (2017-18)
- University of Pittsburgh SOM
- UPSOM Faculty Assembly (2020-2021)
- UPSOM Senate Benefits and Welfare (2021-2024)
- Pitt SOM Admissions Committee Member (2016 – present)
- University of Pittsburgh Institutional Review Board (2015 – present)
- Medical School Admissions Interviewer (2012 - present)
- Department of Plastic Surgery Clinical Competency Committee (2013 - present)
- UPMC Graduate Medical Education Committee - Accreditation Review and Quality Committee (2013 - present)
- UPMC SHY Credentialing Committee (2021-)
- UPMC Professional Practice Evaluation Committee (2021-)
Mission Work
Dartmouth Univeristy mission trip to Hanoi, Vietnam. RICE group.
- 2014 – Sarah Morcheid
- 2015 – Oguz Acarturk
- 2016 – Jignesh Unadkat
- 2017 – none
- 2018 – Wes Sivak
- 2019 – Guillermo Barreiro
Alexander M Spiess, MD
UPMC Department of Plastic Surgery
Division Chief, Hand Surgery
Scaife Hall, Suite 6B
Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Oral/Video/Tele: $4000 1st hour, $500 each additional 15 minutes $2000 deposit must be made up front to reserve the discussed date. If cancelled within 1 week, $1500 retained.
- $500/hr Prep/Courtroom time
- $250/hr Travel time
- $2000 deposit must be made up front to reserve the discussed date.
- $1500 retained if cancelled within 1 week
- $2000 for review of all documents and written report
- $500 IME’s cancelled within 24 hours or no-show/li>
- $2000 for review and written report/li>
- $1000 Additional/Supplemental questions /li>
$4000/case or $500/hr w/ $2000 retainer fee. Review of records or deposition transcripts, ensuing discussions/dictations.
Phone Consultation:
$500 with Attorney
$250 for copy of digital photos
Work Capacity:
Determination Forms $150
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you offer independent medical examinations?
Yes! Dr. Spiess has experience providing medical evaluation services to those with hand, wrist, and nerve injuries, as well as compartment syndrome, pressure sores, and scars.
What are some of the most common work-related hand and arm injuries?
Some of the most common hand, arm, and nerve injuries on which Dr. Spiess consults during workers’ compensation cases include:
- Repetitive use
- Sprains/Strains
- Crushes
- Lacerations
- Avulsions
- Punctures
- Amputations
- Fractures
- Burns
- Scars
How can I contact Dr. Spiess about medical legal services?
You can schedule your first appointment with Dr. Spiess right here online. Just use our online scheduling tool, or call our office if you’re more comfortable speaking on the phone.
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